In late 2020, the Greater Ravenswood Chamber of Commerce issued a Request for Proposals for the design and construction of a series of new “People Spaces” around Ravenswood. Using funds allocated by Special Service Area #31 for placemaking and neighborhood improvements, GRCC led a year’s-long project that will see the creation of four new People Spaces. Construction on the first three finished in late 2022, and the fourth set was completed in late 2024.
Lawrence & Hermitage
Design Elements
- Multi-level seating offers place to dine, rest, and play
- String lighting adds warms and whimsy
- “Peace Wall” provides buffer to Lawrence without disconnecting the space from the community
- Calamintha nespeta ssp. Nespeta
- Echinacea ‘CBG Cone 2’
- Allium ‘Summer Beauty’
- Schizacharyium scoparium

Wilson & Ravenswood
Design Elements
- Includes interactive art and play space for kids
- Repurposed stone slab seating mimics other seating areas along the Ravenswood Industrial Corridor
- Home to a Little Free Children’s Library crafted by local youth at Ravenswood ArtWalk
- Calamagrostis x acutaflora ‘Karl Foerster’
- Sesleria Atutmnalis

Montrose & Winchester
Design Elements
- Curved plant beds and linear bench seating
- Painted concrete matches angled metal fencing
- Provides outdoor dining space for adjacent restaurants and cafes
- Showcases the mural, A Squirrel Named Penelope
- Juniperus chinensis ‘Kallays Compacta’
- Nepeta x faassenii ‘Walkers Low’
- Sesleria Autumnalis
- Liriope spicata
- Allium sphaerocephalon

Damen & Leland
Design Elements
- Multi-level seating offers place to rest and play
- Provides outdoor dining space for adjacent restaurants and cafes
- Coming soon: shaded seating for maximum comfort
- Evergreen shrub

In Progresss: Montrose & Ravenswood
Design Elements
- Showcases the sculpture, International Architect
- Woodchip walking path conforming to existing pedestrian use
- Native flowers planted by community members
- Coming soon: bench seating for relaxation
- Wild Petunia
- Prairie alumroot
- Black-eyed Susan
- Thundercloud Sedum
- Sesleria Atutmnalis
- Daffodils
- Tulips
- Echinacea Pallida
- Blue Grama Grass
- Butterfly Weed

Ravenswood People Spaces: Project Overview

Placemaking design initiatives, such as people spaces, can help connect neighborhoods and commercial streets into socially cohesive places by creating new, vibrant community hubs. The Greater Ravenswood Chamber of Commerce (GRCC) and Special Service Area (SSA) #31 have initiated a design process to create a series of permanent people spaces in Ravenswood.
GRCC has commissioned The Lakota Group, a Chicago-based urban design and landscape architecture firm, to design and implement a series of “Ravenswood People Spaces.” Working with the Lakota Group design team, we are exploring Ravenswood’s many assets and placemaking needs to identify locations and develop several community-gathering spaces along many of the neighborhood’s key commercial streets.
Well-designed People Spaces facilitate community interaction, support economic development and local businesses, visually enhance our urban environment, narrate a neighborhood’s history, and invite residents and visitors to explore and enjoy a community. When completed, these spaces will create a cultural network that strengthens the connection between people and the Ravenswood neighborhood.
Examples of People Spaces can include, but are not limited to:
- Informal Seating Areas
- Outdoor Dining Areas
- Small Plazas
- Pockets of Green Space
- Parklets
Questions about the project? Please contact our office. Amy, our project manager, looks forward to your input and feedback.
Concept Renderings Gallery

Project Timeline
The People Spaces design project aims to implement gathering spaces by the end of 2021. This process focuses on three main phases:
Phase 1:
Program Development
February – May
GRCC and the planning team will analyze existing conditions, explore project scope, and engage with stakeholders to establish a strong foundation.
Phase 2:
Design Development
May – August
Based on the analysis conducted, GRCC and the design team will explore People Space design options to enhance the district.
Phase 3:
September – December
In the final phase, GRCC will implement People Spaces with the planning teams guidance. Completion is expected by the end of December 2021.
Documents and Resources
Public Feedback and Engagement
Community engagement was a key component of our design process. This helped to ensure that the People Spaces cater to the needs of the Ravenswood neighborhood, including residents, business owners, property owners, and visitors.
As part of this initiative, GRCC, SSA #31 and our design team undertook a meaningful and inclusive public participation process to get valuable input and feedback on the locations and design ideas. Over the following months, the design team facilitated a series of engagement activities to help shape each location.
Want to be among the first to know about project updates and new People Spaces?
Be sure to check the box for “Ravenswood People Spaces Updates” to get information specific to this endeavor.