Good News from Ravenswood: Neighbors Organize Earth Day Cleanups & Events

We’ve got more Good News from Ravenswood, this time with a spotlight on Earth Day! Now that the snow has melted, the sun has returned, and temperatures have (kind of) stabilized, we’re all excited to get outside again. Unfortunately, in some parts of the neighborhood the snow and slush have been replaced by dead leaves, litter, and unwelcome gifts from irresponsible pet owners. No doubt, our streets, parks, and greenways could use a little tidying! Luckily, Ravenswood is represented by a number of strong block clubs and neighborhood organizations interested in keeping our community clean and green.

Read on for a list of Ravenswood Earth Day and Earth Day-adjacent events being organized by our friends, partners, and neighbors. Have you seen an event we missed? Let us know by sending details to

Ravenswood Neighbors Association’s Neighborhood Cleanup Day

Ravenswood Neighbors Association volunteers pose in the middle of a 2018 year-end neighborhood cleanup
RNA volunteers in the middle of a 2018 year-end cleanup

Join fellow neighbors for the RNA’s annual post-winter community cleanup day. Volunteers will meet up at the northwest corner of Ravenswood and Leland and spread out from there. Social distancing is required. If possible, please bring your own hand sanitizer and work or gardening gloves. The RNA will supply volunteers with trash bags and cotton gloves.

  • When: Saturday, April 24, 2021 – 10am
  • Where: Meet at Ravenswood and Leland, outside Redline VR (4702 N Ravenswood Ave)
  • RSVP: On Facebook

Ravenswood Neighbors Association represents the area between Lawrence, Ashland, Montrose, and Damen Avenues. Visit to learn more.

The 5000 North Neighbors’ Earth Day Spring Cleaning

A photo of greenery and wild plants along the Metra tracks at Foster and Ravenswood

Farther north, another group of residents are focusing their spring cleaning efforts on the west side of the tracks. The 5000 North Neighbors are looking for help sprucing up the area along Ravenswood Avenue, from Foster south to Winnemac. Volunteers can pitch in sweeping sidewalks, raking leaves, and clearing litter from the Metra embankment. Neighbors are also encouraged to “plant as you see fit.”

  • When: Saturday, April 24, 2021 – 9am to 4pm
  • Where: Ravenswood Ave, Foster to Winnemac

Bowmanville Community Organization’s Earth Day Cleanup

A picture of garden beds and wild flowers at the Bowmanville Gateway Gardens

In celebration and support of Earth Day and to keep Bowmanville beautiful, the green thumbs at the BCO are also hosting a neighborhood cleanup. Pick up a map and lawn trash at the Gateway Garden (1801 W Balmoral Ave) or at the Bowmanville Green Space (5386-5410 N Bowmanville Ave). This will be a fun morning outdoors for social distancing with neighbors. BCO is encouraging neighbors to add to the fun by hosting block-wide competitions.

Are you a Bowmanville resident who loves the Earth and all things nature? The Bowmanville Community Organization is accepting your stories related to nature or Earth Day (maximum 300 words). Share your outdoor adventures and your story may be chosen to be published in the summer Bowmanville Bee newsletter. Submissions are due by Saturday, April 24, 2021 and can be sent to To learn more, visit

Lincoln Square North Neighbors’ Earth Day Cleanup and Ash Tree Count

A group of Lincoln Square North Neighbors volunteers celebrate a fall cleanup in 2013
LSNN volunteers celebrate a fall cleanup in 2013

Join LSNN at the Ainslie Arts Plaza for a neighborhood cleanup and ash tree count between Lawrence, Foster, Western and Francisco. A partnership between LSNN and the City of Chicago has secured tools and garbage bags for volunteers. Additionally, LSNN will also supply sanitizer, gloves, and masks for those that need them.

During this cleaning event, volunteers will also be marking down the locations of endangered Ash trees. An invasive species of insect, known as the Emerald Ash Borer, is currently decimating Chicago’s ash tree population. Without intervention, it will likely succeed in killing all the ash trees in the city. LSNN needs help locating all the Ash trees so they can organize their fundraising efforts and save as many as possible.

  • When: Saturday, April 24, 2021 – 10:30am to 12:30pm
  • Where: Meet at the Ainslie Arts Plaza (4844 N Lincoln Ave)
  • RSVP: On Facebook

Lincoln Square North Neighbors works to foster a greater sense of community among the neighbors and businesses from Lawrence to Foster and Western to the Chicago River. Follow them on Facebook for more.

North Center Neighborhood Association Recycling Pop-Up

Do you have items you’d like to recycle but you can’t put them in your blue bin? NNA is hosting its first Recycling Pop-up! The group will accept a list of common household items not accepted by Chicago’s municipal recycling service, including batteries, CDs/DVDs, inkjet cartridges, and beauty products.

Save Your Ash Informational Zoom Meeting

A ash tree in Lincoln Square

Heart of Lincoln Square (HoLS) is teaming up with the North River Commission to raise money for treatments that will protect our area’s many ash trees from the deadly emerald ash borer. If these treatments don’t occur, up to a third of our local urban canopy will be wiped out in the next three years. Join HoLS and the Northcenter Neighborhood Association to learn more about why this program is so important and how you can get involved.

  • When: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 – 7 to 8pm
  • Where: Zoom
  • RSVP: Click here to register

The Heart of Lincoln Square Neighbors Association represents residents between Damen, Montrose, Western, and Foster avenues. To learn more, check out

Do you have some good news to share? Email us at with “Good News” in the subject!

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Gene Wagendorf III

Executive Director, Greater Ravenswood Chamber of Commerce | View Bio

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