Locally focused, community driven
The Ravenswood Community Council (501c3) is a network of creative professionals devoted to promoting a vibrant, sustainable, healthy, and connected Ravenswood. Our initiatives include supporting local artists and investing in public art; community greening and placemaking; advocating for affordable housing; and advocating for increased resources for older adults.
Recent RCC projects include establishing the Ravenswood Sculpture Garden; leading a new gateway mural project at Ravenswood and Berteau; participating in the NE Levy Senior Center Village; and ongoing care of the Berteau Greenway bioswales.
Founded in 1956, RCC serves Ravenswood residents and business community.

Since 1956, the RCC has served the diverse interests of Ravenswood residents and businesses. Originally founded to fight crime and blight, RCC was one of the first urban conservation commissions in Chicago. Over eight decades, we have led efforts to preserve affordable housing, developed shop local campaigns, assisted in the redevelopment of the Ravenswood Industrial Corridor, and helped respond to urban deforestation through community greening efforts.
When the old Ravenswood Chamber of Commerce closed in 2010, the Community Council stepped in to manage Special Service Area #31 and continue providing services to small businesses. Recognizing the distinct needs and characteristics of our community, RCC founded the Greater Ravenswood Chamber of Commerce in 2015. The GRCC works alongside the City of Chicago as a Neighborhood Business Development Center, an ally in its Local Industrial Retention Initiative, and the manager for SSA#31. GRCC now represents over 240 local businesses and organizations.
RCC Board of Directors
Active residents and business owners like you are crucial to our work. We’d love to have you join us!
Connect with the RCC
RCC activities include organizing fundraisers that give back to neighborhood schools and nonprofits, including through volunteering at annual events like Ravenswood On Tap and Ravenswood ArtWalk. RCC also helps coordinate the Ravenswood Farmers Market and annual community greening work.
Subscribe to our mailing list to stay connected!
- Local news, events, dining special, job postings, and more in our weekly email newsletter
- Updates on and access to local events and special promotions
- Info about upcoming volunteer and committee opportunities
Help sustain our efforts to make Ravenswood a destination neighborhood.
Residents like you enable us to continue our work making Ravenswood a safe and beautiful place to live, one with great schools and a thriving local economy. Your volunteer efforts and donations directly support the bioswales along the Berteau Greenway and the Native Prairie Gardens as well as help us to organize the Ravenswood Farmers Market through the Summer and Fall.

Stay connected to the issues important to you.
Our approach to community issues has always been proactive and inclusive. Members stay connected to Ravenswood through a monthly newsletter, year round calendar of events, volunteer opportunities and member discounts. We also work to keep them informed on neighborhood news and happenings, safety initiatives and special programming.

Your Support Makes a Difference
Every success the RCC achieves is a success for the Ravenswood residents like you who help us make these things possible.